A Lifeline for any Small or Medium Sized Company Eager to Get to the Next Level

Supporting You in the Successful Running of Your Business

Improving Function, Optimising Performance & Maximising Profits

Contact Me
Graeme Haskett
Tel: 01333 310013   
Mob: 07914 733131   

In this fast changing world, sound objective advice can determine success or failure.

Whilst the views of friends, colleagues and family are important and often very helpful, there is no SME business owner or executive manager who wouldn’t benefit from the skills, knowledge and wisdom of an experienced and confidential mentor who understands their issues. A seasoned business coach can provide a dose of realism, looking at a scenario objectively and providing unbiased opinion and advice.

It is often when a business is really taking off, has to change direction, or needs to pause and consolidate before expanding, that a coach can be of benefit. It is during transition periods, from small to medium sized or from a medium to a larger business, that wrong decisions can ruin everything.

Not sure how to manage difficult or demanding people?

You’re not alone, as that’s a skill that only comes with time and experience. When you’re the boss and have an issue with an employee, supplier, sub-contractor or client, you may have no one to turn to for advice. Your mentor would be your confidant, someone to talk to, and discuss your options and the consequences of your actions with.

Need a sounding board for your ideas?

Your gut will be right a lot of the time, but it’s always good to have someone who isn’t so close to the business, yet knows all the issues, to act as a sounding board. If you can sell them an idea and convince them that it’s the right way to go, then it very likely is.

Who marks your Report Card?

You are constantly monitoring staff, clients, productivity, performance, the business environment, etc, etc, etc. What you’re probably not so good at, is monitoring your own performance and accountability. You need someone who can set you some targets and measure your success. With your confidential advisor there is no escaping the facts, and you can’t fudge the results.

Providing a solid framework for achieving your goals and objectives, by broadening your perspectives, challenging your ideas, focusing your actions, helping you acquire new skills and successful habits, and supporting your pathway to success.


To Assist You in Taking the Business to Where You Want it to Be.
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